Keep the Number of a Tow Truck in Your Car
About Me
 Keep the Number of a Tow Truck in Your Car

I drive an older car that I always knew would break down some day in a bad place and need towed. I figured I could always easily look up the number of a towing company using my phone's internet service if I ever needed to. Recently, my car started making an alarming sound that led to me pulling off the road while driving down the highway. It then wouldn't start back up. I grabbed my cell phone and went to do a web search to find a local towing company, and I realized I had used up all of my data plan for the month! It was late at night, so I had to call and awaken friends until someone answered who could help. I created this blog to help others avoid the same embarrassment as me. Always keep the number of a tow truck company in your car.

Keep the Number of a Tow Truck in Your Car

  • What to Do After a Flat Tire: A Step-by-Step Guide

    13 March 2024

    Dealing with a flat tire can be a frustrating and stressful experience, but knowing what steps to take can help you handle the situation with ease. This guide will walk you through the necessary steps to take after experiencing a flat tire. Assess the Situation: When you have a flat tire, the first thing you should do is carefully move to the side of the road. Once you have come to a stop, assess the situation.